Into Work
You can find out more about Into Work Advice Service.
What is Into Work?
This service supports people to find:
- work,
- volunteering opportunities, and
- training.
Into Work has expert supported employment workers.

They can help you with:
- CVs and interviews,
- finding work or volunteering opportunities,
- learning numeracy skills,
- funding for training courses, and
- managing your benefits around your job.

An employment support worker can help you to:
- find a job,
- apply for a job,
- assess your employment skills,
- look at what job you want to do and make a plan to get it, and
- learn how to do the job and help you keep it.

Into work offer lots of free courses like:
- First aid at work,
- Customer Service,
- Manual Handling ,
- Food Safety, and
- English Conversation Club

Into Work have lots of volunteering opportunities like:
- library support,
- digital support,
- adult learning,
- Hub assistant, and
- digital heritage volunteer.

You can refer yourself to Into Work, or you can contact your case manager.
You can find out more about Into Work and how they can help you.