
Respite can be any service that allows a person and their carer to spend time apart.

You need to be part of our service to get respite.

You can find out more about respite by talking to your case manager.

It could be support to have day time activities.

What do staff do?

Or support to have overnight breaks.

Our supported accommodation is delivered by non-profit providers

What respite a person needs is looked at with them and their carer in their wellbeing assessment.

There are 3 local respite houses.

What do staff do?

Some people choose to stay at our respite houses.

Our supported accommodation is delivered by non-profit providers

Some people choose to have respite through direct payments.

Your case manager can refer you for overnight respite.

What do staff do?

The respite manager will invite you and your carer to the respite house.

Our supported accommodation is delivered by non-profit providers

You can have a look around the respite house.

Our supported accommodation is delivered by non-profit providers

You can meet staff who will be supporting you.

Our supported accommodation is delivered by non-profit providers

They will help you plan your visits.

Our supported accommodation is delivered by non-profit providers

Having short visits helps you get to know the service before you stay overnight.

Our supported accommodation is delivered by non-profit providers

Your stay will be planned around your needs, such as:

  • learning skills,
  • meeting people, or
  • taking part in activities.
Our supported accommodation is delivered by non-profit providers

We will match you with other people we think you will get along with.

Our supported accommodation is delivered by non-profit providers

Respite is planned ahead of time to make sure you can stay with people that you like.