Finding things to do

Our Support Planners are experts at helping you to find activities that you will enjoy.

We work with over 80 groups in Cardiff and are always finding new opportunities.

Man working as a barista.

Our team accept referrals from the Learning Disability Team to help find Support Planners.

You must already be part of our service to get help with support planning.

Our team can offer you:

A named support planner.

What do staff do?

Help to find out your interests and your goals.

Our supported accommodation is delivered by non-profit providers

Information on what is happening near you.

Help to find activities and make a timetable.

Support to be as independent as possible.

What support can be offered

Help to arrange any support you need to attend activities.

What do staff do?

Support to make friends and be part of your community.

There are lots of ways that our Support Planners can help you.

They can help you find community education classes like :

  • Computers
  • Literacy
  • Cookery
  • Languages
Man on the bus

They can also help you attend training courses to build skills like:

  • Social skills
  • Transport skills,
  • Skills for employment
  • Creative skills.
Our supported accommodation is delivered by non-profit providers

They can support you to take part in leisure activities you enjoy, like:

  • Swimming
  • Cycling
  • Bowling
  • Gym
  • Fishing
  • Tennis
A lady and a man dancing together.

They can support you to take part in any of your hobbies or interests, like:

  • Music and dancing
  • Woodwork
  • Online gaming
  • Pottery or art

Apart from activities, our support planners can also help you to attend self-advocacy groups. Self-advocacy means that you are in charge of what you want to do, and you have the chance to speak up about what you think.

When your new activities have been put in place, we will complete a review after 6 weeks.

Your service will then come to an end.