Supported living

We offer supported living opportunities to adults with learning disabilities.

There are different types of accommodation across Cardiff, including shared houses and flats.

All of our supported housing is run by experts and is not-for-profit.

You must already be part of our service to get help with supported living.

You have your own home and privacy.

You will have an occupancy contract.

You can get help from staff when you need it.

You can choose how to spend your money.

Two ladies looking at a phone and smiling

You can invite your friends and family over.

You can have choice over who you want to live with.

You can choose how you want to decorate

Staff will get to know you well.

Two ladies

They will find out what is important to you.

They will give you the right amount of support.

They will write a support plan with you to:

  • help you make choices and decisions, and
  • help you gain skills and confidence.

They can help you with personal care and looking after your health.

They can help you keep your home clean and tidy.

They can help you look after your tenancy.

A group of people walking through the woods

They can help you take part in your favourite activities.

They can help you find voluntary work or training.

They can help you see family and friends.

A group of people having fun

They can help you to become part of your community.